Public Art Projects

KPAT was primarily established to enable public art in the Kaipātiki area. We work with Auckland Council and Kaipātiki Local Board for projects on public land.

Our most recent project was the selection and placement of a new sculptural work in Glenfield.

Projects we have been involved in:

Oruamo Domain, Glenfield

In 2018 KPAT was invited by Kaipātiki Local Board to undertake a sculpture project in Kaipātiki.

The Local Board had heritage funds, being a portion of funds contributed by Auckland Regional Council originally set aside for an art gallery on the North Shore. The gallery didn’t eventuate and the funds were distributed to the local boards in the area. KLB wanted a substantial artwork with its share.

Working with the Public Arts Team of Auckland Council and Kaipātiki Local Board KPAT managed the project of selecting a site, selecting an artist and meeting all the necessary bureaucratic requirements.

In November 2022 ‘Soft Focus … Summer’s Day’ by David McCracken has successfully been completed and installed.

Croftfield Lane

Croftfield Lane

KPAT was invited to work with the Public Arts Team of Auckland Council, Watercare and Boffa Miskell to select an artist for the southern entrance to Wairau Park retail centre.

Elke Finkenauer was selected to create an artwork that successfully enhances the redesigned waterway which was completed in 2016.

Zion Hill

Zion Hill Park

KPAT was invited to work with the Public Arts Team of Auckland Council to select an artist to develop the small park. The intention was to complete the project with a public sculpture but this was never completed.

Birkdale Intermediate

Hundertwasser at Birkdale Intermediate School

In 2014 KPAT contributed financially to the Hundertwasser Pavilion at Birkdale Intermediate School.