Art Speaker Series

Art Speaker Series | Gretchen Albrecht

KPAT hosts an annual event to showcase an art speaker and report to the community on its activities.

Our guest speakers have been inspiring and shared their stories with us. To register on our invitation list for these events please email

Our speaker for the 2023 Art Speaker Event is renowned artist Gretchen Albrecht CNZM. This event marks a special milestone for KPAT, which was established 10 years ago.

I n   a  S h o w e r   o f   G o l d,  2011 250 x 500 cm,  acrylic on Belgian linen

Painter and sculptor Gretchen Albrecht has exhibited nationally and internationally in for more than 35 years. Her work is recognisable for the way she uses shaped acrylic canvases – hemispheres and ovals, and the glorious poetic sweeps of colour, punctuated with occasional geometry. The references can be to landscapes, family and the cosmos. Since 2000 her work has expanded to include stainless steel sculptures and multi-panelled rectangular canvases.

Previous Speakers

2023: Gretchen Albrecht

2021: David McCracken

2020: Virginia King

2019: Jeff Thomson

2017: Marte Szirmay

2017: Michael Parekōwhai

2016: Phil Dadson

2015: Greer Twiss

(Click on the speaker’s name for more information.)